Tuesday, 11 June 2013



Welding Questions:
1)      Differentiate between TIG and MIG welding? Explain their working with the help of neat sketches.
2)      Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of TIG welding over MIG welding. Give any three examples where TIG welding is used.
3)      Sketch different types of Ox y- Acetylene flames and explain the importance and applications of each.
4)      Draw a neat diagram of Arc – Welding and explain its working. List out its advantages over gas welding method.
5)      What do you understand by under-water welding? Explain the working of such method and list out the extra care to be taken compared with conventional welding.
6)      What is the main function of the flux? Name the materials used a s flux and list out the important properties of a good flux.
7)      Describe and differentiate between TIG and MIG welding methods with neat sketches and explain their workings. List our the advantages, limitations and applications of each welding method.
8)      How brazing is different from gas welding? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages over gas welding.
9)      What are the different types of resistance welding? Describe the working of any one method.
10)  Why welding electrodes are coated? Mention the materials used for coating and their special properties required.
11)  Differentiate between brazing and soldering and give any three uses of each.
12)  Explain the working of gas welding method with the help of neat diagram. Give any two industrial examples where gas welding is more preferable than other welding methods.
13)   List out the defects associated with gas welding method and suggest the method to avoid them.
14)  What do you understand by under water welding? Repeat the earlier question.
15)  Explain the principle of resistance welding and explain its working with the help of neat sketch.
16)  List out the advantages of resistance welding over arc and gas welding.
17)  Give any five any five applications of resistance welding and mention why this welding is preferred?.
18)  Differentiate between TIG and MIG welding with the help of neat diagrams. Describe the working of any one with the help of neat sketch. Name any three parts which can be manufactured with the help of TIG welding.
19)  Mention any three defects of welded joints and explain the methods of their detection.
20)  What are different types of resistance welding? Describe the working of any one method.
21)  Why welding electrodes are coated? Mention the materials used for coating and their special properties required.
22)  Differentiate between brazing and soldering and give an three uses of each.
23)  Describe the principle and operation of resistance welding with the help of neat sketch.
24)  Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of resistance welding over arc welding. Give three examples where resistance welding is only used.
25)  Sketch any 3 different types of joints which are welded by arc welding.

1 comment:

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